Ebner Stolz successfully advises on the sale of Nanoscribe to the listed CELLINK Group

  • Nanoscribe, the pioneer and market leader in high-precision additive manufacturing, strengthens its strategic position by joining the CELLINK Group
  • With this strategic diversification, the CELLINK Group gains a breakthrough technology that is driving innovation in many areas, including medical technology, bioprinting and micro/nanofabrication
  • Ebner Stolz advised with a multidisciplinary team

Stuttgart, 1 June 2021 - A multidisciplinary team of advisors from Ebner Stolz has successfully advised the shareholders of Nanoscribe on the sale of their shares in CELLINK.

With over 80 employees in Germany, China and the USA, Nanoscribe develops and sells 3D printers and maskless lithography systems for microfabrication, as well as specially developed photoresists and application-specific complete solutions. The specialist for the additive manufacturing of high-precision structures and objects on the nano, micro and meso scale was founded in 2007 as a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Worldwide, more than 2,500 users and operators at top universities and in innovative industrial companies benefit from the groundbreaking technology and application-specific solutions for 3D microfabrication. The strong, market-leading position is based on high-quality engineering and agility in the continuous development of microfabrication systems and solutions.

Founded in 2016, Nasdaq Stockholm-listed CELLINK is the world's leading bioconvergence company with pioneering technologies, solutions and services for medicine and biology. With a focus on the application areas of bioprinting, multi-omics, cell line development and diagnostics, the company develops and markets innovative technologies that enable life science researchers to culture 3D-printed cells, perform drug screening in high-throughput processes, and also print human tissue and organs for the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.

With Nanoscribe, the CELLINK Group becomes the world's first life science company with internal resources for additive manufacturing based on two-photon polymerisation (2PP). The aim is to drive product development throughout the group. By combining CELLINK's state-of-the-art macrostructural bioprinting technology with Nanoscribe's microstructural bioprinting technology, strong synergies are expected for 3D printing more realistic tissue architectures, including vascularisation and cell-supporting structures. Nanoscribe's 2PP technology will enable product developments across all CELLINK Group businesses and expand the CELLINK Group's offering.

Ebner Stolz structured and managed the entire transaction process with a multidisciplinary team. In particular, the team led the negotiations of the purchase agreement and all related agreements until their completion.

Team Ebner Stolz: Dr Christoph Eppinger and Florian Seizer (M&A Financial, project coordination), Dr Roderich Fischer, Dr Johannes Joepgen and Theresa Reuter (M&A Legal), Laurent Meister, LL.M (Legal IP/IT), Christof Zondler and Anna Blank (M&A Tax, transaction structuring)

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Henning Marburger
Ebner Stolz
Holzmarkt 1
50676 Cologne
Phone  +49 221 20643-628

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Dr. Christoph Eppinger
Ebner Stolz
Kronenstraße 30
70174 Stuttgart
Phone  +49 711 2049-1409

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