
Legal Advice

Short-term work as a consequence of the corona epidemic

The cur­rent spread of the corona vi­rus is lea­ding to dis­rup­ted supply chains and an­cel­led or­ders. Ger­man com­pa­nies are the­re­fore in­tro­du­cing short-term work to pre­vent exis­ten­tial da­mage and lay-offs.

On 13 March 2020, the Ger­man le­gis­la­tor aut­ho­ri­zed the Fe­deral Ger­man Go­vern­ment to si­gni­fi­cantly al­le­viate pre­sent con­di­ti­ons for short-term work. Ac­cor­ding to La­bor Se­cre­tary Hu­ber­tus Heil, short-term work al­lo­wance (Kurz­ar­bei­ter­geld) can be ap­plied for re­troac­tively
as of 1 March 2020.

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