

About us

RSM Eb­ner Stolz is gro­wing – and with the com­pany also the si­gni­fi­cance or RSM Eb­ner Stolz Ser­vices, our in­ter­nal ser­vices di­vi­sion. We do ever­ything we can to help our col­lea­gues in au­diting, tax, le­gal and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting do a re­ally good job. We see our­sel­ves as a ser­vice unit with ex­perts in va­rious di­sci­plines: from IT via con­trol­ling and fi­nan­cial ac­coun­ting to HR and mar­ke­ting. The as­sis­tants are clo­sest to the pro­fes­sio­nal ser­vice lines as they take work of their hands and keep an eye on ever­ything.

Room to de­ve­lop
In as­so­cia­tion with the growth of RSM Eb­ner Stolz, the ser­vice units are also be­com­ing in­cre­asin­gly pro­fes­sio­nal. This pro­vi­des em­ployees in the ser­vice units an ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nity to struc­ture their own per­so­nal de­ve­lop­ment – both in their daily work and in va­rious pro­jects. Prac­tical learning is com­ple­men­ted with needs-ori­en­ted, in­di­vi­dually-tailo­red of­fers for per­so­nal de­ve­lop­ment.

Of­fers for va­rious ca­reer sta­ges
We re­gu­larly seek pro­fes­sio­nals, gra­dua­tes and app­ren­ti­ces for our ser­vice units. In ad­di­tion, we of­fer in­ternships and dual-track work/study po­si­ti­ons in our va­rious ser­vice areas. In­di­vi­dual ser­vice units also of­fer stu­dents in the re­le­vant pro­fes­si­ons the op­por­tu­nity to write their ba­che­lor’s or mas­ter’s the­sis in coope­ra­tion with RSM Eb­ner Stolz.

Of­fers for a range of dif­fe­rent fields
Our ser­vice units of­fer ex­citing op­por­tu­nities in the fol­lo­wing fields:

  • IT
  • Mar­ke­ting
  • Hu­man ca­pi­tal
  • Con­trol­ling & fi­nan­cial ac­coun­ting
  • As­sis­tance & re­cep­tion
  • Li­brary, purcha­ses, fa­ci­lity ma­nage­ment, ve­hi­cle fleet

Fle­xi­bi­lity in struc­tu­ring your working hours
The em­ployees in ser­vices enjoy great fle­xi­bi­lity in struc­tu­ring their working hours. In­di­vi­dua­li­zed part-time mo­dels, trust-ba­sed working hours, and an across-the-board over­time po­licy al­low us to take ac­count of your in­di­vi­dual needs.

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