

About us

Would you like to know what ma­kes a com­pany suc­cess­ful? To sit with the de­ci­sion-ma­kers on one ta­ble? Ex­pe­ri­ence di­rectly what im­pact your skills can have?

With your as­sis­tance RSM Eb­ner Stolz Ma­nage­ment Con­sul­tants helps the middle mar­ket move for­ward. We stand for tan­gi­ble im­pro­ve­ments in per­for­mance and sus­tai­nable re­struc­tu­ring. With our pro­ven skills we as­sist nu­me­rous mar­ket lea­ders in the fields of:

  • Cor­po­rate de­ve­lop­ment
  • Per­for­mance ma­nage­ment
  • Cor­po­rate ma­nage­ment
  • Cor­po­rate fi­nance
  • Re­struc­tu­ring
  • Di­gi­tal trans­for­ma­tion

Thanks to our fo­cus on im­ple­men­ta­tion using the best tools avail­able and com­mit­ted team play­ers we bring a po­si­tive drive to com­pa­nies.

For our cli­ents we play the role of spar­ring part­ner in the wi­dest va­riety of si­tua­ti­ons, work out tailo­red so­lu­ti­ons with them to­ge­ther and im­ple­ment them jointly. We are par­ti­cu­larly proud of our long-stan­ding cu­st­omer base which is a tes­ta­ment to the ex­tre­mely high le­vel of cu­st­omer sa­tis­fac­tion we enjoy. Our qua­lity lea­dership has al­re­ady been awar­ded ma­ni­fold ti­mes, such as the Best of Con­sul­ting Award from the Wirt­schafts­Wo­che trade jour­nal. That is the re­sult of the ex­cel­lent team­work by the ent­ire team - from new ent­rants th­rough to part­ners.

Our suc­cess de­pends on strong cha­rac­ters with rough edges. For this re­ason, we pro­vide great free­dom when it co­mes to struc­tu­ring your own de­ve­lop­ment. New re­cruits at RSM Eb­ner Stolz are not re­stric­ted to in­di­vi­dual fields. At first you will learn the ent­ire spec­trum of ge­ne­ral ma­nage­ment and be­come fa­mi­lia­ri­zed with spe­cia­list fields in the course of la­ter pro­jects and trai­ning of­fers. Our goal is to de­ve­lop your lea­dership skills, in­di­vi­dually and wi­thout any “up or out” pres­su­res. In the pro­cess you can de­ter­mine your own pro­fes­sio­nal pro­file and ori­en­ta­tion. Whe­ther you want to be­come a pro­ven spe­cia­list or would pre­fer to re­main a ge­ne­ra­list – both ca­reer paths are open to you. One thing is clear: You will im­me­dia­tely feel at home in a team of more than 130 ma­nage­ment con­sul­tants who all know and app­re­ciate each other. You will find that you make fast pro­gress.

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