
Ebner Stolz Academy

A good ac­coun­tant, au­di­tor, tax ad­vi­sor, at­tor­ney, or busi­ness con­sul­tant al­ways needs to be on the ball and keep a close watch on chan­ging con­di­ti­ons. That’s why so­lid trai­ning and con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion are so im­port­ant. It’s quite a chal­lenge, though, to find the ba­lance bet­ween ac­tual busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons and on­go­ing trai­ning.

For­tuna­tely, the Eb­ner Stolz Aca­demy exists to achieve this ba­lance. It pro­vi­des gui­dance and as­sis­tance for every ca­reer path, both to those who are just en­te­ring the working world and to our more ex­pe­ri­en­ced em­ployees. Eb­ner Stolz Aca­demy can as­sist you while you’re still a stu­dent as well as with your pro­fes­sio­nal exam, pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning and con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion, and other as­pects of per­so­nal de­ve­lop­ment.

Ebner Stolz Academy© Thinkstock

Based on practice, geared towards practice.

For trai­ning and con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion, we draw upon the so­lid ex­per­tise of our more than 2,400 em­ployees in 14 lo­ca­ti­ons and our part­ners in over 120 coun­tries, of­fe­ring a com­pre­hen­sive in­ter­nal trai­ning pro­gram. In ad­di­tion, the Eb­ner Stolz Aca­demy re­lies on close coope­ra­tion with cer­tain uni­ver­si­ties and trai­ning cen­ters. Be­cause many of our ma­na­gers are also uni­ver­sity in­struc­tors, you’ll find an in­ten­sive ex­change go­ing on here.

The best thing for our employees.

We dia­lo­gue with each of our em­ployees per­so­nally in or­der to iden­tify the best path for them th­rough their aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal edu­ca­tion and to en­sure that their entrance into the pro­fes­sio­nal world com­bi­nes aca­de­mic and prac­tical trai­ning. The far above-aver­age suc­cess rate of our exam can­di­da­tes pro­ves the ef­fec­tiv­en­ess of the Eb­ner Stolz Aca­demy.

Would you like to know more about the Eb­ner Stolz Aca­demy? Ask for our bro­chure.

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