

Corporate finance

Com­pa­nies are con­stantly chan­ging, de­ve­lo­ping new pro­ducts, ad­dres­sing new tar­get mar­kets or cli­en­te­les. These chan­ges re­gu­larly of­fer op­por­tu­nities. A com­pany may want to rea­lize growth po­ten­tial or ad­just to a chan­ging mar­ket en­viron­ment, amend a busi­ness mo­del or ad­opt new ideas.

Any com­pany that faces these chal­len­ges also faces a lot of ques­ti­ons. How will fu­ture growth be fi­nan­ced? Will you have to bring in ad­di­tio­nal ex­per­tise? Should parts of the com­pany be se­pa­ra­ted off? Does an IPO make sense? Is there an ap­pro­priate suc­ces­sor?

We can help you with these ques­ti­ons. We’ll point out op­por­tu­nities, help you im­ple­ment growth stra­te­gies and M&A pro­ces­ses, or de­ve­lop ap­pro­priate so­lu­ti­ons for suc­ces­sion or fi­nan­cing. We can help you de­cide which way is the right one for you, ba­sed on your own spe­ci­fic ideas and si­tua­ti­ons, and de­ve­lop cu­st­omi­zed, va­lue-enhan­cing stra­te­gies to make your plans a rea­lity.

Our ex­perts from all areas are re­ady to as­sist you: our in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary teams of ac­coun­tants, au­di­tors, tax ad­vi­sors, at­tor­neys and cor­po­rate con­sul­tants en­sure a broad, high-qua­lity range of ser­vices. And our ser­vices don’t by any me­ans stop at na­tio­nal bor­ders. Our con­sul­ting part­ners in the in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work can help you with both out­bound and in­bound in­vest­ments.

Corporate finance© Thinkstock

Our services at a glance:

  • Busi­ness va­lua­tion
  • Due di­li­gence
  • Con­sul­ting on tran­sac­tions
  • Cor­po­rate fi­nan­cing
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