

Retail Summit - Port of Thoughts 2015: The Future of Retail: Cross-Channel Marketing

Ever­yone is tal­king about the di­gi­ta­liza­tion of re­tail. What are the re­sul­ting op­por­tu­nities and chal­len­ges for brick-and-mortar re­tail? For ex­am­ple, can di­gi­tal of­fe­rings add va­lue to phy­si­cal stores? How should brick-and-mortar busi­nes­ses and di­gi­tal op­ti­ons for ac­cess be de­si­gned and in­te­gra­ted to en­sure cu­st­omer sa­tis­fac­tion? What are the ba­sic ha­bits of con­su­mers? Which soft­ware, apps and de­vices should re­tailers con­cen­trate on?

These is­sues are being hotly de­ba­ted in the in­dus­try and were the­re­fore the fo­cus of the “3rd Re­tail Sum­mit - Port of Thoughts” held in Ham­burg, Ger­many, on Oc­to­ber  1, 2015. Some 300 par­ti­ci­pants ac­cep­ted a joint in­vi­ta­tion to the event from the Evers­frank Group, an in­ter­na­tio­nal me­dia com­pany; como­soft GmbH, a com­pany spe­cia­li­zing in da­ta­base-dri­ven me­dia pro­ducts; and Eb­ner Stolz Ma­nage­ment Con­sul­tants.

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