

Healthcare Investing Networking Dinner

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To­ge­ther with the Eu­ro­pean Health­care In­ves­tor As­so­cia­tion (EHIA), RSM Eb­ner Stolz is de­ligh­ted to host an ex­clu­sive in­vi­ta­tion-only din­ner for health­care in­ves­tors and selec­ted port­fo­lio com­pa­nies on 12 No­vem­ber in Düssel­dorf du­ring ME­DICA.

For the se­cond time in a row, the din­ner will be held in the his­to­ric In­dus­trie-Club and will pro­vide an ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nity for Pri­vate Equity in­ves­tors and top ma­na­gers to net­work and dis­cuss health­care in­vest­ment trends and op­por­tu­nities.

For an even more in­ter­ac­tive ex­change, we will start with a wine tes­ting hos­ted by a re­now­ned som­me­lier fol­lo­wed by an out­stan­ding din­ner me­nue.

The din­ner is on the se­cond day of ME­DICA, one of the lar­gest me­di­cal tech­no­logy trade fairs in the world with over 80,000 peo­ple and 4,500 ex­hi­bi­tors across di­gi­tal health, med­tech and de­vices, lab and dia­gnostics and more.

Eve­ning sche­dule

6:00 pm: Ar­ri­val and drinks re­cep­tion

6:30 pm: Wine tas­ting and net­wor­king

8:00 pm: Din­ner

Your hosts for the eve­ning will be EHIA's De­puty Chair Henry El­phick and Exe­cu­tive Di­rec­tor Sa­rah Ward, alongs­ide RSM Eb­ner Stolz part­ners Sa­rah Ger­sch-Sou­vi­gnet, Jan­nis Pulm, and Alex­an­der Wen­zel.

Join us for an eve­ning of net­wor­king, drinks, and din­ner at this his­to­ric ve­nue, In­dus­trie-Club Düssel­dorf.

Please re­gis­ter here.