
Application process

How can you get star­ted with us? It’s easy! Do our firm ap­peal to you, or is there per­haps an open po­si­tion that pi­ques your in­te­rest? We’d be happy to re­ceive your ap­pli­ca­tion, whe­ther for a par­ti­cu­lar po­si­tion or just in ge­ne­ral, even if the per­fect job for you isn’t va­cant at the mo­ment.

Please send us your com­plete ap­pli­ca­tion port­fo­lio with a short co­ver let­ter, résumé, high school and uni­ver­sity tran­scripts, and if ap­plica­ble, any ex­ami­na­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tes. You can eit­her upload these do­cu­ments using our on­line ap­pli­ca­tion tool and then send copies by email to our HR de­part­ment, or you can send them to us by re­gu­lar mail.

The HR de­part­ment will re­view your in­for­ma­tion to­ge­ther with your po­ten­tial boss and will give you an an­swer as quickly as pos­si­ble. If you’ve at­trac­ted our at­ten­tion, we’d like to meet you in per­son and will ar­range an in­ter­view in short or­der. Usually you’ll also meet your pro­spec­tive boss at your in­ter­view. If any­thing re­mains un­clear, we can deal with it in a se­cond in­ter­view if ne­cessary. And then you might just be on your way to be­com­ing a mem­ber of our team!

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